40 Videos to Display on Your Renewable Energy Website

Douglas Healy

There is real power in the internet and as such we should harness it in the pursuit of educating the world on the dangers of living without/or abandoning the goal of renewable energy.

In this day and age most people respond to visual stimuli such as videos and other images as well as auditory stimulation. With the use of technology you can upload videos to your renewable energy website in order to get your message across to your audience that renewable energy is the only way forward.

Douglas Healy believes that through the use of film, we can reach a wider audience and foster a concern for the alarming issue of fossil fuel depletion. As such Doug has put together a list of videos he feels would be best suited to your renewable energy website all of which are available on YouTube and other websites.

Videos that question the validity of renewable energy in the fight to save the planet

In order to understand the argument as to the positives for renewable energy, you have to look at the pros, as well as the cons. As such the following is a list of videos that argue against, or at least question the validity of fossil fuels. These are the exact titles of the films, and they are all sourced from YouTube.

Can 100% renewable energy power the world? – Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei
California’s Renewable Energy Problem
Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia
EES-4 Understanding Why Wind and Ground Solar Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels
Why Renewable Energy Sources Can’t Replace Oil and Natural Gas
Renewable Energy is The Scam We All Fell For?
Is It Possible For The World To Switch From Fossil Fuels To Renewable Energy Like Solar And Wind?
Bill Gates Slams Unreliable Wind and Solar Energy
If Green Energy Is So Great, Why Aren’t We Using It?
Will Climate Change Stop If We Stop Emitting Carbon Tomorrow?

Educational/non biased resources

The department of energy has put out a great series on clean energy manufacturing including videos on:
Clean energy manufacturing
Heavy duty vehicle efficiency
Geothermal energy
Wind power
Energy efficient commercial buildings
Feedstocks, biofuel and more
Marine and hydrokinetic energy
Electric vehicles
Solar PV
Lighting choices
Algae fuels
Concentrating solar power

All the films are fair, unbiased and 100% educational, so they would be a great addition to your site.

PBS NOVA Lab has a great section on energy and offers some great films including:

Growing Appetites, limited resources (a discourse on consumption)
Energy defined
Putting energy to use
A never ending supply (hydropower)
Solar power
Wind power
Solving the shortage problem
Toward a smarter grind

If you want to cater to children, then here is a list of great films catered to the little ones.

Different Sources of Energy, Using Energy Responsibly, Educational Video for Kids
What is Energy? | Types of Energy: Light, Heat, Water, Electrical and Wind
Renewable energy
RENEWABLE vs NON-RENEWABLE – Steve Trash Science
Non-renewable energy
Learn About Wind Farms | Caitie’s Classroom | Science For Kids
Energy, let’s save it!

There are many film options for your website, but so long as your information is fair and balanced then your website will attract a following and be seen as an authority. With a powerful and provocative website, you can help open up a dialogue between all interested parties and perhaps even change a few peoples minds about the need and validity for the switch to renewable energy sources.

Douglas Healy likes to see in a vision through it and the use of the internet. Doug is encouraged and excited by people who want to sit up renewable energy websites to educate the public end private corporations or those in the fossil fuel industry who may be concerned about their livelihood and the end of an era for fossil fuel production. How is it is the hope that with such educational websites, these companies will see how they can join in on the fight to save the planet and maybe still make a buck or two. Much of their equipment can be modified to service the new forms of energy production and manufacturing in the coming dawn of the new era